Fresh Brewed Life A Stirring Invitation To Wake Up Your Soul
With wit and wisdom, Nicole Johnson leads readers in a journey of awakenings-first, to God as they respond to His tender, passionate love for them; second to readers as they embrace their identities as women, their gifts, and their dreams; and finally to others as readers learn to love and communicate in ways that bring joy and closeness.
Author: Johnson, Nicole.
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson
- Pages: 208
- Publication Date: 2001
- Edition: EZ Lesson Plan
- Binding: Paperback
- MSRP: 14.99
- ISBN13: 9780785267041
- ISBN: 0785267042
- Other ISBN: 9781418515201
- Other ISBN Binding: print
- Language: en
- Quality Rating: 1
- "Book cover image may be different than what appears on the actual book."